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Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - The Triceratops. E.T Harper, Dan Taylor

Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - The Triceratops

ISBN: 9781471119415 | 32 pages | 1 Mb

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Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - The Triceratops E.T Harper, Dan Taylor
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK

Harper, Dan Taylor from Waterstones today! Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - The Triceratops. Buy Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - the Triceratops by E. Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - the Triceratops by E. Harper, Dan Taylor, 9781471119408, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. In his amazing treehouse he has a magic journal. E.T Harper Author Dan Taylor Illustrator (2015). Dylan loves exploring and learning all about dinosaurs. Buddy travels to Rexville on the Dinosaur Train and meets Delores Dylan and Devlin Dilophosaurus, twin brothers with amazing double-crests on their heads. Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs has 2 entries in the series. Author: E.T Harper Author: E.T Harper. Join Dylan on his amazing dinosaur missions, then act out the story with your free pop-up dinosaur! Join Dylan on his amazing dinosaur missions! Dylan's Amazing Dinosaurs - The Triceratops by E.T Harper - Dylan loves exploring and learning all about dinosaurs.